Wednesday 25 November 2015

Me And Pirates


Everyone was talking about pirates. From the movies, cartoons and stories. But, encountering a real life pirates is not a good thing to be involved. No, real pirates don't have hooked hand or a wooden leg. They don't look like this

They don't come in this kinda ship either..haha

To avoid boring story, let me make this short, I was en route from port of Mergui, Myanmar to Port of Penang. When sailing in the Andaman sea, near to Phuket. Well, we were hijacked by 6-10 of Indonesian pirates armed with guns and machette, very long one, approximately 2130H . They came with a speedboat and even shot to our ship 3 or 4 times. That's when we know we were messed up. So we scattered everywhere.

We were captured and tied eventually. I even have gun pointed to my face and then I started to recite every prayers I've ever known. At one point I even pray that if I'm gonna die tonight, just make it fast haha. Bad luck for them, our cargo fully discharged, nothing for them. So they just steal crew's stuff and gone. Then we navigate to Penang with only compass because they cut all of our navigation equipment.

To make this story even worse, this incident happens a month after our ship almost hijacked in Penang. Luckily we were able to encounter before them getting onboard. Guess my ship is a Pirate Magnet.

Thankfully no one was harmed that night, just 2 of our crew got hit a little bit. It was a memorable moment that I wish will never happens again, ever! to me and to everyone else. MT Pentrader, in memories. Adios - Field Marshall Admiral General Commander Kodomo Kapitan Bajak Laut Hadi


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